OpenStack – Object storage installation (CentOS) (Part 9/9)

In order to install object storage, you need functional OpenStack installation. Prior to this, we installed block storage, and now we will install and configure object storage.

The Object Storage services (swift) work together to provide object storage and retrieval through a REST API.

There are few disk/network prerequisites to prepare before starting this tutorial, so make sure you have them done. I covered it in my initial tutorial on OpenStack installation.

Here is the OpenStack documentation on this topic –

Install and configure the controller node

This part is done on the controller node.

Object storage unlike other services will not use MariaDB which is installed on controller node. Instead it will use SQLite on each of the object nodes.

Source admin to gain access to admin only cli commands

. admin-openrc

or if you done previos parts with my tutorials


We will create identity service credentials

Create swift user

openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt swift

Add admin role to swift user

openstack role add --project service --user swift admin

Create swift service entity

openstack service create --name swift \
  --description "OpenStack Object Storage" object-store

Create Object Storage API endpoints

openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
  object-store public http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_%\(project_id\)s
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
  object-store internal http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_%\(project_id\)s
openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
  object-store admin http://controller:8080/v1

Additional firewall settings

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload 

Install and configure

yum install openstack-swift-proxy python-swiftclient \
  python-keystoneclient python-keystonemiddleware \

There is already some of these components installed if you have complete lab.

Obtain the proxy service configuration file from the Object Storage source repo

curl -o /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf


sudo vi /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf

Default section

bind_port = 8080
user = swift
swift_dir = /etc/swift

In the [pipeline:main] section, remove the tempurl and tempauth modules and add the authtoken and keystoneauth modules

!Do not change order of modules

Be sure to edit second pipeline, which is keystone pipeline. Check screenshot below.

pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache container_sync bulk ratelimit authtoken keystoneauth container-quotas account-quotas slo dlo versioned_writes proxy-logging proxy-server

app:proxy-server section

use = egg:swift#proxy
account_autocreate = True

filter: keystoneauth

UNCOMMENT top section line #[filter:keystoneauth].

Remove #

use = egg:swift#keystoneauth
operator_roles = admin,user

filter:authtoken. Replace SWIFT_PASS with swift service password.

UNCOMMENT top section line #[filter:authtoken]

Remove #

paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
www_authenticate_uri = http://controller:5000
auth_url = http://controller:5000
memcached_servers = controller:11211
auth_type = password
project_domain_id = default
user_domain_id = default
project_name = service
username = swift
password = SWIFT_PASS
delay_auth_decision = True

filter:cache section

use = egg:swift#memcache
memcache_servers = controller:11211

Install and configure object storage nodes

This part is done on the object storage nodes. In the initial tutorial of the OpenStack install there are some prerequisites you need to do on the VM – one is network IPs (fixed IPs) and the other one is just attach multiple disks to your VMs (or partition a disk). /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc will be used. All will be formated as XFS.


There are two object storage nodes. Do these steps on both of them.


sudo yum install xfsprogs rsync

Format /dev/sdb /dev/sdc to XFS

sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdc

Create mount point structure

sudo mkdir -p /srv/node/sdb
sudo mkdir -p /srv/node/sdc

Find UUID of the new partitions


Edit /etc/fstab and add following to it

sudo vi /etc/fstab
UUID="<UUID-from-output-above>" /srv/node/sdb xfs noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 0 2
UUID="<UUID-from-output-above>" /srv/node/sdc xfs noatime,nodiratime,logbufs=8 0 2

Mount the devices

mount /srv/node/sdb
mount /srv/node/sdc


sudo vi /etc/rsyncd.conf

Replace MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP with management interface of the object storage node (object1, object2

uid = swift
gid = swift
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/

max connections = 2
path = /srv/node/
read only = False
lock file = /var/lock/account.lock

max connections = 2
path = /srv/node/
read only = False
lock file = /var/lock/container.lock

max connections = 2
path = /srv/node/
read only = False
lock file = /var/lock/object.lock

Enable and start rsyncd service

sudo systemctl enable rsyncd.service
sudo systemctl start rsyncd.service

Install and configure components (object storage nodes)

We are still on object storage nodes, and the steps below have to be done on both object storage nodes.


sudo yum install openstack-swift-account openstack-swift-container \

Obtain the accounting, container, and object service configuration files from the Object Storage source repo

curl -o /etc/swift/account-server.conf

curl -o /etc/swift/container-server.conf

curl -o /etc/swift/object-server.conf

Edit following

sudo vi /etc/swift/account-server.conf

Default section. MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS change with the management IP of the object storage node –

bind_port = 6202
user = swift
swift_dir = /etc/swift
devices = /srv/node
mount_check = True


pipeline = healthcheck recon account-server


use = egg:swift#recon
recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift

We are done with this file.

I will not screenshot each config of the remaining files, since it is more or less the same. Only difference is port config.


sudo vi /etc/swift/container-server.conf

Default section. MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS – again, change with management IP of the objest storage node. In my case

bind_port = 6201
user = swift
swift_dir = /etc/swift
devices = /srv/node
mount_check = True


pipeline = healthcheck recon container-server


use = egg:swift#recon
recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift

And we are done with the container-server.conf


sudo vi /etc/swift/object-server.conf

Default section. Again, same procedure as in the two files above for the MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS

bind_port = 6200
user = swift
swift_dir = /etc/swift
devices = /srv/node
mount_check = True


pipeline = healthcheck recon object-server


use = egg:swift#recon
recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
recon_lock_path = /var/lock

Ensure proper ownership of mount point dir structure

sudo chown -R swift:swift /srv/node

Create recon directory, and ensure proper ownership

sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/swift
sudo chown -R root:swift /var/cache/swift
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/cache/swift

Additional firewall rules

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=6202/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=6201/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=6200/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload 

We are done (for the moment) with object storage node configuration.

Create and distribute initial rings

Short c/p from OpenStack documentation

Before starting the Object Storage services, you must create the initial account, container, and object rings. The ring builder creates configuration files that each node uses to determine and deploy the storage architecture. For simplicity, this guide uses one region and two zones with 2^10 (1024) maximum partitions, 3 replicas of each object, and 1 hour minimum time between moving a partition more than once. For Object Storage, a partition indicates a directory on a storage device rather than a conventional partition table.

We will perform these steps on controller node

Navigate to /etc/swift directory

cd /etc/swift

Create Account ring

Create base account.builder file

swift-ring-builder account.builder create 10 3 1

Add each storage node to the ring

swift-ring-builder account.builder \
  add --region 1 --zone 1 --ip STORAGE_NODE_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS --port 6202 \
  --device DEVICE_NAME --weight DEVICE_WEIGHT

Replace STORAGE_NODE_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS with the IP address of the management network on the storage node. Replace DEVICE_NAME with a storage device name on the same storage node. For example, using the first storage node in Install and configure the storage nodes with the /dev/sdb storage device and weight of 100

Here is how the commands should look like (if you followed my tutorials from beginning, you will understand values:

swift-ring-builder account.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 1 --ip --port 6202 --device sdb --weight 100

swift-ring-builder account.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 1 --ip --port 6202 --device sdc --weight 100

swift-ring-builder account.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 2 --ip --port 6202 --device sdb --weight 100

swift-ring-builder account.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 2 --ip --port 6202 --device sdc --weight 100

Verify ring contents

swift-ring-builder account.builder

Rebalance the ring

swift-ring-builder account.builder rebalance

Create container ring

Navigate to /etc/swift directory

cd /etc/swift

Create the base container.builder file

swift-ring-builder container.builder create 10 3 1

Add each store node to the ring

swift-ring-builder container.builder \
  add --region 1 --zone 1 --ip STORAGE_NODE_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS --port 6201 \
  --device DEVICE_NAME --weight DEVICE_WEIGHT

Again, very similar story to the commands above, just port is 6201

Replace STORAGE_NODE_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS with the IP address of the management network on the storage node. Replace DEVICE_NAME with a storage device name on the same storage node. For example, using the first storage node in Install and configure the storage nodes with the /dev/sdb storage device and weight of 100

swift-ring-builder container.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 1 --ip --port 6201 --device sdb --weight 100

swift-ring-builder container.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 1 --ip --port 6201 --device sdc --weight 100

swift-ring-builder container.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 2 --ip --port 6201 --device sdb --weight 100

swift-ring-builder container.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 2 --ip --port 6201 --device sdc --weight 100

Verify ring content

swift-ring-builder container.builder

Rebalance ring

swift-ring-builder container.builder rebalance

Create object ring

Ok, so by now, you understand the procedure. Same will be for object ring, so I will not screenshot it, just write down do commands, and it should be the same as for the above two rings.

Navigate to

cd /etc/swift

Create the base object.builder file

swift-ring-builder object.builder create 10 3 1

Add each storage node to the ring

swift-ring-builder object.builder \
  add --region 1 --zone 1 --ip STORAGE_NODE_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS --port 6200 \
  --device DEVICE_NAME --weight DEVICE_WEIGHT

How it will look like for our example

swift-ring-builder object.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 1 --ip --port 6200 --device sdb --weight 100

swift-ring-builder object.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 1 --ip --port 6200 --device sdc --weight 100

swift-ring-builder object.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 2 --ip --port 6200 --device sdb --weight 100

swift-ring-builder object.builder add \
  --region 1 --zone 2 --ip --port 6200 --device sdc --weight 100

Verify ring content

swift-ring-builder object.builder

Rebalance the ring

swift-ring-builder object.builder rebalance

Distribute ring config files

Copy the account.ring.gz, container.ring.gz, and object.ring.gz files to the /etc/swift directory on each storage node and any additional nodes running the proxy service

Here are the files on the controller node

I will copy files using scp service.

scp /etc/swift/object.ring.gz root@

scp /etc/swift/account.ring.gz root@

scp /etc/swift/container.ring.gz root@

Repeat the procedure for object storage node.

Finalize installation

This section have some steps that are configured on controller and some on the object storage nodes.

Controller node

Obtain the /etc/swift/swift.conf file from the Object Storage source repo

curl -o /etc/swift/swift.conf \


sudo vi /etc/swift/swift.conf

swift-hash section. Replace HASH_PATH_PREFIX and HASH_PATH_SUFFIX with unique values. These values need to be secret, do not lose or change them.

swift_hash_path_suffix = HASH_PATH_SUFFIX
swift_hash_path_prefix = HASH_PATH_PREFIX

storage-policy:0 section

name = Policy-0
default = yes

Copy swift.conf to the /etc/swift on the each object storage node, and proxy nodes if you have them.

scp /etc/swift/swift.conf root@
scp /etc/swift/swift.conf root@

On each object storage node ensure proper ownership

chown -R root:swift /etc/swift

On controller node enable and start following services

sudo systemctl enable openstack-swift-proxy.service memcached.service
sudo systemctl start openstack-swift-proxy.service memcached.service

On each of the object storage nodes run following to enable and start services

sudo systemctl enable openstack-swift-account.service openstack-swift-account-auditor.service \
  openstack-swift-account-reaper.service openstack-swift-account-replicator.service

sudo systemctl start openstack-swift-account.service openstack-swift-account-auditor.service \
  openstack-swift-account-reaper.service openstack-swift-account-replicator.service

sudo systemctl enable openstack-swift-container.service \
  openstack-swift-container-auditor.service openstack-swift-container-replicator.service \

sudo systemctl start openstack-swift-container.service \
  openstack-swift-container-auditor.service openstack-swift-container-replicator.service \

sudo systemctl enable openstack-swift-object.service openstack-swift-object-auditor.service \
  openstack-swift-object-replicator.service openstack-swift-object-updater.service

sudo systemctl start openstack-swift-object.service openstack-swift-object-auditor.service \
  openstack-swift-object-replicator.service openstack-swift-object-updater.service


c/p from OpenStack documentation – If you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or CentOS 7 and one or more of these steps do not work, check the /var/log/audit/audit.log file for SELinux messages indicating denial of actions for the swift processes. If present, change the security context of the /srv/node directory to the lowest security level (s0) for the swift_data_t type, object_r role and the system_u user:

chcon -R system_u:object_r:swift_data_t:s0 /srv/node

Run these on controller node.

Run following command first

. demo-openrc

or in my case, my command resides in root and will run as


Show swift service status

swift stat

I got following error

HTTPConnectionPool(host=’controller’, port=8080): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/AUTH_d… : Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused’,))

I want to see openstack-swift-proxy.service status

sudo systemctl status openstack-swift-proxy.service

Status is failed

Error is

LookupError: No section ‘authtoken’ (prefixed by ‘filter’) found in config /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf

I definitely did everything by the OpenStack documentation, and still I have error.

Lets check /etc/swift/proxy-server.cionf

sudo vi /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf

filter:authtoken section

The line is commented in the file by default!!!!

I have to say I really missed this, and I somehow think that it should be uncommented by default in proxy-server.conf file.

Here is how it should be

Line [filter:keystoneauth] has also comment on it, so uncomment it, remove #.

I rebooted controller node and after reboot

Service is up

Lets try the swift stat command again (I run it in . admin context!)

swift stat

It is ok now

We will now create container named – container 1

openstack container create container1

I wasn’t successful at first with this. I tried running it as admin and demo user, but I would get errors forbidden 403 or service unavailable 503.



openstack container create container1

Service Unavailable (HTTP 503) (Request-ID: tx837c28e8b8814546b5700-005e9f05e0)

openstack container create container2

Forbidden (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: tx7e31c490187c4ab3ad423-005e9f091a)

The first part of solution was to run the command mentioned above

chcon -R system_u:object_r:swift_data_t:s0 /srv/node

on both object storage nodes.

The second part of the solution is to edit /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf file

sudo vi /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf

Modify pipeline:main differently then official OpenStack documentation. Remember to modify second pipeline value!

pipeline = catch_errors healthcheck cache authtoken proxy-logging proxy-server

Only after these steps I managed to create container1 as demo. I’m not sure how these settings will work when I start testing, or will it give me other errors, but without these I could not pass verification.

If you get into some other problems, you can use

swift –debug list

to see what is happening with swift and troubleshoot it.

Lets go further with our final testing

Upload a test file to container1. Replace FILE with the filename you wish to upload

openstack object create container1 FILE

List files in container1

openstack object list container1

Download file from container1. Again, replace FILE with your filename

openstack object save container1 FILE

That would be it, not the cleanest tutorial, many fixes during the way, although I went exclusively through OpenStack documentation.

Congrats, you have functional OpenStack cloud if you went through complete tutorial I set.

There are a few bugs still, and you have a lot to do to make it fully functional, but this is a start.
