DPM 2012 R2: Unable to configure protection (SQL)

If I write something about Microsoft DPM 2012 R2 and it is usually about problems. Seems for me like every step is a problem. Today I`ll be writing about protection of SQL database. I have SQL Server 2012 STD that I want to protect. But, when I create protection group I get following error “Unable to configure protection”.


According to Microsoft this is known problem – https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn281948.aspx
To resolve it we have to do following:
Using Management Studio, connect to SQL Server 2012, then click and expand Security | Expand Logins | right-click NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM – Properties | click Server Roles | select sysadmin |OK


Went back to DPM 2012 and performed consistency check on created group


It works!

