iPhone 5

All new iPhone, the iPhone 5 is here. I`m using iPhone and iOS platform since the day one and my last iPhone was iPhone 4s. Since I broke it, I got myself a new one – iPhone 5 and decided to write a quick review about it while it`s still fresh. Read More

j j j

iPad 2

The article about iPad 2 is waiting now for a long time to be published… It`s my company for quite some time now, and the text about it is on hold for a long time. All this hype about New iPad made me to look through text about the iPad 2 one more time and finally publish it. :)

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j j j

Nook Color

Nook Color is still a great hardware, although is already a whole year on the market.  It`s a great device for reading, browsing web and multimedia consuming in general.

Since Nook Color appeared, it gained a lot of fans all around the world and developers just love it. Reason for such popularity is mainly in its price, but also in great hardware Nook Color is packing. Read More

j j j

Kindle 3

Tribute to my Kindle 3, which I recently sold. It was a great reading companion and I wrote about it in on various forums/sites. Since I now have my own blog, I`ll put my observations on ebook readers here as a tribute to a wonderful gadget.

You may also find this article useful if you are looking for some general information’s on eBook readers. Read More

j j j